Mane GangNon Scarring AlopeciaAfter The Congratulation, Post-Partum Pregnancy Hair Loss Shows Up...Being pregnant can have its pros and cons according to your hair, depending which stage you are in you're either enjoying the growth or...
Mane GangScalp Care Is Hair Care5 Essential Steps To A Refreshing Dry Hair & Scalp, Wash Day RoutineStylist says, "The weather is crisp, and so is your hair." "I just shampooed it yesterday why is my hair so dry?" replies the client. How...
Mane GangScarring AlopeciaA Big Word, With Picking Side Effects: TrichotillomaniaTrichotillomania is an impulse control disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair from one’s own scalp, beard,...