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Get Ahead of Hormonal Changes That Causes Hair Loss
You're properly wondering how your hormones can affect your hair growth. Well, hormones have a surprising impact on your hair. Find out...
5 Essential Steps To A Refreshing Dry Hair & Scalp, Wash Day Routine
Stylist says, "The weather is crisp, and so is your hair." "I just shampooed it yesterday why is my hair so dry?" replies the client. How...
A Big Word, With Picking Side Effects: Trichotillomania
Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair from one’s own scalp, beard,...
Medicated | Hair Loss
Its very common that hair loss side effects are due to some of the medications we take. These side effects could take about 3 months or...
Male Pattern Baldness | Hair Loss
More than 1 million men worldwide are surviving this very common hair loss. Ever wondered what's happening to your hairline and if...
Androgenic Alopecia | Hair Loss
There are many factors that cause female pattern baldness. This guide will help you to understand. What are the real reasons behind the...
Foods To Avoid For Your Scalp Condition...
Are flakes that appear like dandruff making your hair appear dull? It could be dandruff or it could be something more serious related how...
Psoriasis | Scalp Condition
How Do I Know If I Have Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin condition where areas of the body become red, scaly and itchy. Apx 2% of the...
Scalp Folliculitis | Scalp Condition
Scalp Folliculitis refers to an infection of scalp hair follicle. The inflamed hair follicle presents as a small red bump around the hair...
Seborrheic Dermatitis | Scalp Condition
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin issue that affects your scalp and causes what appears to be dandruff, scaly patches, etc. The...
BBQ or Mildew?
Summer is here and the proof is in the scalp. Is your scalp sore from heat or wet from heat? Either are promising a shampoo is next on...
Heard Of Swimmer's Ear, What About Swimmer's Hair?
Alright now manes. I understand, swimming is an important factor during the summer but lets remember who we are... we are black women,...
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